Produit Intérieur Brut – give your home a Scandinavian make-over!
Produit Intérieur Brut is in the business of helping you to make your house or flat a home. From vintage style for your interior to Scandinavian design classics (, PIB-Home is a great place to go to shop for items which will give every room in your house its own distinct identity.
Scandinavian design occupies a huge place in our design consciousness, and not just due to mass-produced flat-pack furniture. The Danes, Swedes, Norwegians and Finns have been punching above their weight in the world of design for decades now. PIB-Home’s selection of tables, chairs, sideboards, lights and more contains a large Scandinavian contingent, such as the kitchen chair and table pictured below. Design is always very heavily influenced by the environment in which it is born. In Scandinavia’s case, this means that functionality is key, with robustness being a major concern. The materials used are typically natural, with wood being to the forefront, naturally enough for such a forested part of the world. The place of the natural world in the Scandinavian psyche also favours organic, flowing shapes and lines in their designs.