Hospitalsconsultants – helping people to spot dementia before it’s too late!
A remarkable new scan has recently brought renewed hope to all those who’d like to see real improvements in the treatment of people with dementia. Early diagnosis is central to effective treatment and as you can see in the picture below, new PET scans are now capable of identifying certain tell-tale signs which may presage Alzheimer’s disease, years in advance.
This is just one of the treatments featured on hospitalsconsultants, a new website which gives you the opportunity to access fast-track treatment for a range of medical conditions. It’s easy to use – just fill in a few details, including your age, the procedure you need and your payment plan, and you’re off! You may be able to have treatment funded by the NHS, or alternatively, you could have your own private health plan. A selection of top NHS hospitals and private clinics from all over England have signed up to the website, as have a number of excellent French establishments.
Helpfully, the website also includes information about a number of the procedures it offers through its partner hospitals, including the PET scan.